Wednesday, August 5, 2009


I've come to a rather lame realization. It seems that every blog I come across has pretty pictures to accent it. I guess most bloggers are also photographers. I look at my blog and see no pictures. No reason for people to look twice at it. Of the first three comments I got, two of them were telling me to put up pictures. I can take a hint. I'm not completely stupid.

I'm thinking that if I want anyone to read my blog(apart from my mother) I'm going to have to:

1. Obtain a camera.

2. Become somewhat savvy with it.

3. Stop using stupid words like "savvy".

It is now 3:45 a.m. pacific time. I'm going to go to sleep and then I'm going to get up and get myself a camera.


  1. So did you make that sweet purchase yet? Soon you can show off your picture taking skills. (Your blog makes me think of Napoleon Dynamite, lol!)

    Oh and the wolves remind me of the coolest shirt ever: Seriously, if you have time on your hands you have to read the reviews on this shirt - SOOOOOOO funny!

    Oh and I came by to tell you that your comment made me laugh! I can hear Ralphie's voice (from the Simpsons) when I read that!

    I have you as my Featured Friend on Tuesday the 18th if that is cool with you! I need to read more of your blog and then I'll send you 3 questions. I'll need 3 of your favorite posts (I see you have 4 right now, lol) and a picture. Send me your email and I'll get the info to you!

  2. Ha-ha. Step 1 - get a camera.

    BTW - love the pic w/the top post.

    I'm actually a bad photographer but has become my new BFF.

    Try it - you'll like it ;)
