Monday, August 3, 2009

Humor #1

My first post was a rather formal review of a movie. I'm afraid that it was a little out of the ordinary for me and I regret starting my blog with something that wasn't exactly my style. I'm usually VERY loose with the things I write. That being said, don't expect a lot of reviews like the one I did yesterday. Additionally, I tend to be very cynical and, as such, I will not be taking many of the things I write very seriously. Don't be sad, though. I will write about relevant things from time to time. Anyhow, on to irrelevant business.

It's time for a life lesson from a guy who has barely experienced life at all. Get out your notebooks because this stuff is important. Today's lesson is part one in a series of many on my second favorite facet of life: Humor.

All right boys and girls, raise your hands if you've ever had too much alcohol to drink. Hhmmm. I should be seeing more hands up than this. Well, once upon a time, I, myself, had too much alcohol to drink. At 6'4" and 245 lbs, I'm a pretty big guy and can hold my booze okay, but I drink very rarely and so my tolerance isn't as good as it could be. Regardless of my size or tolerance, this occasion was only my 5th time ever drinking anything hard and I had not yet learned when enough was enough. That being the case, enough went by without me even glancing its way. I know you're dying to know, so here's the story.

Four friends (For the sake of protecting their identities, I shall call them "Ashgay", "Gaysey", "Gayvis", and "Gayrard") and I were staying at a casino hotel. Ashgay's mother had won a free night at said hotel and offered to let us use it. It was a two and a half hour drive from my house, but I wasn't driving so I wasn't complaining. When we got to the hotel a large bottle of Bacardi 151 appeared followed by an even larger bottle of vodka. Ashgay and I promptly drank a good three shots of the Bacardi and half a glass of the vodka. Gayvis and Gaysey had a little rum, but Gayrard restrained himself.

After four more shots of rum, I had me a proper buzz. I decided it was time to go down to the casino and throw away what little money we had. Despite the smoke filled rooms, the cranky card dealers, and the fact that I lost all my money almost instantly, I thoroughly enjoyed myself. If I had stopped drinking right there, that would have been just fine with me and everyone else. Unfortunately, when we went back to our hotel room, that was not what happened.

Suffice to say I drank most of the bottle of Bacardi, quite a bit of the vodka, and was completely out of my mind. I fell in the wet bathtub, stripped to my shorts, and ran down the hotel hallway looking for an elevator in which I planned to escape my annoyed, yet amused friends. When they brought me back to the hotel room I spilled coffee on everyone's shoes, tried to break open our third story window, and went to sleep as my "friends" drew inappropriate things all over me.

I know that some people who read this will laugh, some will say "That's nothing compared to my drunk stories", and others will read this and wonder why this stupid idiot is bragging about his drunken stupor. Just so everyone knows, I'm not proud of this experience. As far as moments in my life that I'm ashamed of, let's just say that this will make the top ten. But even though it was a bad decision on my part and possibly a dangerous one too (seeing as how I was trying to break out a third story window), you have to admit that it's kind of funny.

Seeing humor in every corner of life is huge part of what happiness means to me. I'm not saying laugh at everything, no matter how boring, infuriating, or inappropriate it may be, but look really hard to find a reason to smile, whatever your circumstances might be. If you can take yourself out of your own shoes and learn to laugh at your own misfortune or humiliation, then really, what can hurt you?

Lesson #1: Humor can make you impervious to life's hurts. Humor can make you invincible.


  1. pictures? I tried to get out of a car moving down the highway once...ONCE in my impetuous youth!

  2. Yes, I want pictures of the four (fabulous named) friends that drew obscenities on you. Oh, and maybe a picture of that on you too.

    Great last line.

  3. Unfortunately for me, I was in no fit state to take photographs that night.

    Luckily, Ashgay has a whole camera full of them, so I'll post the highlights when she gets them to me.
